Friday 11 November 2011

In a pickle

'Cheese and pickle sandwich eaters are most intelligent'. Allegedly.

People who are fond of cheese and pickle sandwiches are more likely to be intelligent, according to a survey. Believe it or not, researchers - headed by a doctor, no less - have interviewed 2,000 people in order to identify eight 'key sandwich personalities'.

As I was eating my sandwich while reading about this, I was very keen to find out what my sandwich personality might be.

Sadly, soya and linseed bread filled with spinach and chickpeas wasn't on the list, so I will never know whether I am officially an impulsive high-flyer or a sensitive homebody (actually, that combination probably means I'm a lentil-weaving hippy).

However, I do have definitive proof that the research must be deeply flawed. My husband's favourite sandwich is cheese and pickle.

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